Waident Celebrates 20 Years of “Sucking Less”

About Us


Waident turns 20!

In 2004, I left my role as a CIO to start an IT services firm that “put people first, tech second.” Today, Waident is recognized as one of the top IT services and cybersecurity firms in Chicago and Milwaukee.

I love to tell business owners and IT people, “IT sucks. We make it suck less.” It makes people laugh because they know it’s true and appreciate the fact that I am the first IT services provider to say it.  As a result, “We suck less.” has become our unofficial tagline over the past 20 years. As we celebrate our 20th year, we thought it would be a cheeky way to celebrate our clients, our people, and our partners.

Throughout 2024, you will see the tagline “sucking less,” George our mascot, and logos like this popping up at special events, on our swag, and on all things Waident.


As we kick off the celebration, here are a few appreciative comments to those who made us who we are:

Our Clients

We express our gratitude to those who have trusted us over the years. We love a good challenge and you constantly challenge us and help us evolve. Thank you for contributing to our strength and success!

Our People

We would not be Waident if it weren’t for our incredible Waident tribe. You are a cocktail of can-do energy, tech knowledge, people-first attitude, quirkiness, and energy that keeps us going forward. Your eagerness to help each other makes us a successful team. Undoubtedly, we are gifted and a little weird. We have embraced our oddness for 20 years and that will never change!

Our Partners

We only work with firms that share our client-centric approach and commitment to delivering resilient IT. We value your commitment to innovation and our clients’ and our success. This shared vision has enabled us to evolve together and achieve greater results for everyone. We are grateful for you being there for us.

We look forward to a great year!

Happy Birthday Waident! 








John Ahlberg
CEO, Waident

CIO in the corporate world and now for Waident clients. John injects order and technology into business process to keep employees productive, enterprises running, and data safe.

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