Get your computer to run like it is new again

I think everyone remembers the day they get a new computer. It boots up almost immediately, rarely crashes, programs open quickly, and you are in the world of no pop-ups, viruses, or spyware. It seems that after less than a year, your technology utopia degrades to...

More Apple

Is Apple becoming the new technology leader over Microsoft? I guess that is like comparing, well, Apples and Oranges, but the world of Apple is invading all of our lives more and more everyday. I’m not saying that is a bad thing at all to have Apple push...

DST – Is it worse than Y2K on your technology?

Daylight Savings Time. In my world it does not save much daylight, makes it difficult to get out of bed those mornings when it is dark again, and also causes some technology headaches. I made a comment last week that I’ve seen more recent technology disruptions...

HDTV – A Buyers Story

Everybody wants one. OK, maybe just the guys want one. We cannot help but want to get a big flat screen TV after watching so many commercials and hearing about them. Remember just a few years ago when picking out a TV was pretty much just an exercise about the size of...

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